This error usually appears when you attempt to open a company file. An error message box will appear on your Computer screen telling you about the error. It might keep you away from access to your company file. You can read this with regards to the absolute most reliable approaches to fix QuickBooks Error 6000.
Quickbooks Error 6000 is an error of a 6000 series/family error that occurs when the user tries to open the company file in multi-user mode. This will occurs because of some of the reasons:-
Multi-user access to the company file is blocked by the firewall.
Because of the corrupted TLG file.
If the installation of Quickbooks is corrupted.
The setup of the network is improper.
It should also be possible that the file of the company was corrupted.
Solutions of Quickbooks error 6000
The various fixes necessary to fix QuickBooks Error Code 6000 include:
Solution 1: Restore a backup
To make sure that your file functions as it should, you can restore a backup copy of it. These steps will enable you to complete it with ease:
Dispatch the business file.
Toggle the File
Choose Utilities.
If the option to stop hosting multiple users appears on the list, select it.
Additionally, reduce the length of your company's file name to 210 characters or less. Try to use a name that contains nothing but essential information.
Solution 2: Set up your antivirus and firewall programs
The QuickBooks Database Server Manager should now appear.
Locate the QuickBooks version under the port monitor tab.
Don't forget to write down the firewall port number.
Activate the Windows Firewall.
Go to Advanced Settings by clicking.
Right-click the inbounds option and choose "New Rule" from the menu that appears.
Select Port.
Select next.